I feel so happy to announce that my #HappyBoca Art is covering a building! YES, a building!  I participated in a contest created by #EPSONLATINOAMERICA.

EPSON chose 10 locations in 10 countries in Latin America and 10 ONG's (1 per country) 

The idea was to invite Latin American Artist to create artwork that will creatively cover the buildings at any of the locations chosen by EPSON.

There were more than 700 artists from 10 countries in Latin America participating to receive the opportunity of having their artwork printed big scale on a building!

Here are some pictures of my winning piece inspired in the labor done by the ONG FACCI (On behalf of the cure of Cancer in Children)  I made drawings that portray the silhouettes of children with no hair but that are surrounded with happy colors, stars, and hearts.

I hope you like them! Thanks for reading :)





